Formerly PAC, Now MAC. Stay tuned for our new website! Formerly PAC, Now MAC. Stay tuned for our new website! Formerly PAC, Now MAC. Stay tuned for our new website! Formerly PAC, Now MAC. Stay tuned for our new website!
Cleft Palate Surgery

£500 complex procedures
or £40 per month

Those who are already vulnerable are at higher risk from COVID-19


The impact of COVID-19 has been felt worldwide, the pandemic does not discriminate regardless of status, wealth, religion and country. However, some families around the world who have fled violence and conflict need our help are even more vulnerable to COVID-19.

In these places, the virus is likely to be even more deadly than it has been here. The lack of a vaccine, track and trace systems and robust healthcare system means life just got more dangerous.

Imagine having to leave everything behind to keep your family safe, only to face a new, silent threat: Covid-19.

This is the reality for people living in tents and makeshift shelters without running water in the world’s most fragile places: Yemen, Syria, Somalia, South Sudan, and Rohingya refugee camps in Bangladesh.


Take a few minutes to reflect how COVID-19 has impacted your life?


Help vulnerable families by providing a COVID Kit and simple prevention measures like education, social distancing and identification by healthcare professional can help control the spread COVID-19.

In the UK and across the world, we saw the sacrifice our front-line workers made in order to serve the public in these dark and uncertain times. In the most vulnerable countries front-line workers want to do and are doing the same, can you make it safe for them to do their work to serve the most vulnerable. Give a PPE Kit.

How in-debited do you feel to NHS and our healthcare workers? Can we do more than just clap for our healthcare staff?

Your donations can help provide life-saving
surgeries for some of the most vulnerable people

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£ 50


Pakistan is susceptible to both ...

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£ 50


Helping replenish our Emergency Reserve. ...

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£ 50

Turkiye & Syria Earthquake Appeal

Turkiye & Syria Earthquake response ...

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Case Studies